Any opinions expressed on this site are my own, based on personal experience. I am not affiliated, nor give priority to any company or organization. If I do receive compensation, complementary services or products, the post will be clearly marked as sponsored.

Current information

Information on this site comes from various different sources, including submissions of the third parties. It is for general knowledge and information purposes only. Although effort will be made to keep it current, please verify with providers their availability, opening hours, current prices, menu options, etc. before your visit. I do not take responsibility or will be held accountable for any incorrect or not up to date information.  I would appreciate any corrections to the information herein.  It will be beneficial to your fellow travellers.  Please feel free to send comments to my email address.


Some products and services are available through affiliate links, which gives me a small commission if you make a purchase through my referral with no extra cost to you. This small amount will help me continue adding information to this site and blogging. Thanks for your support.

Legal age

You have to be of legal drinking age in your country to use this site.

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